After a long and intense standoff with Southwest over the status of some old frequent flyer miles/points and them making numerous mistakes in the years I’ve been working with them, I was finally able to resolve a yearlong issue where I felt Southwest owed me a pair of round-trip tickets. I don’t know if anyone reading this is aware of the Southwest Airlines points or frequent flyer program, but they use to have a great program where you accrued points for travel and then used those points to trade for future travel and business/first class upgrades and things. The vouchers they use to issue could be used by anyone and they were so plentiful at one point that you could get round-trip vouchers for around $225 anywhere Southwest flew off of Craigslist all day long, however that was about 20 years ago. Plus the vouchers were relatively easy to get anyways if you were a frequent flyer, as I was at the time.
Well, to make a long story short, I had a pair of vouchers, which somehow got applied to an in-state trip which completely ruined the value of the vouchers, which I was suppose to have been saving, which Southwest somehow applied to that trip. Southwest claimed for a long time that because of how it was purchased online through their points system there was nothing they could do on a past completed transaction. I tried to explain this was not my mistake, but a mistake THEY made. This burned me up and I even thought that someone at Southwest was personally screwing me.
I finally received a call from some high mucka mucka Southwest administrator today and I was awarded a $600 new Southwest LUV voucher, which is fully transferable and is good for round trip anywhere Southwest flies. Plus they finally fixed an outstanding refund issue and gave me a book of drink coupons good for 4 drinks! I’ll be keeping those 😉 Basically the mouthpiece told me Southwest valued my past 20 years of travel; they apologize for this mix up, but most importantly, he acknowledged the frustration I’ve had for a whole year trying to resolve this issue. I think Christmas time may have been opportune as well, plus the fact I haven’t travelled on Southwest in the past couple years.

So you’re wondering, what does all this have to do with the web site and year end raffle? I’m going to raffle off the $600 Southwest Airlines LUV voucher on the web site midnight December 31st, 2021. So round trip tickets for 2 anywhere Southwest Flies are up for the raffle. Additionally, there will be a runner-up drawing for a $50 Starbucks card.
For every $5 donation, that will get you 1 entry into the raffle. You can purchase as many tickets or entries as you want to favor you winning however remember that someone else might be doing the same. The actual cash value of the vouchers fluctuate depending on destination, but you could easily spend $600 on Southwest for two or use these vouchers if you win 😉 An email will go out every few days or another public post will hit the web site detailing the number of people that are in the raffle, and how many total raffle tickets have been purchased. The number of tickets each person purchases will be kept private however as the days go by so only total number of entrants and total number of tickets is known (27 people, 42 tickets, for example).
So spend a few more seconds on and click on the ‘Investing & Donations‘ or click here to make your $5 multiple donation.
And finally, yes, this is real. This is a real promotion put forth by the folks here at Zettabytes.Org for the benefit of customers and the public at large plus all the new people and customers who have visited over this past year. Registration on the site is not necessary, however your email address will be collected as part of the donation process and that unique information will be used to track all donations as well as how we’ll announce the winner, so make sure you have an email and it gets spelled right. A random number generator will be utilized and seeded with a random source and seeded with number of entries and after all that computer gobble-dee-gook the computer will spit out a name/number (email address) and that person shall be the proud owner of the $600 Southwest LUV Voucher. The next email it spits out gets the $50 Starbucks card.
What’s going to happen with the monies received from the raffle? That money will be used to keep Zettabytes.Org up and running for another year 😉 2021 was our first year and it’s been great. 2022 will be year 2 and I am looking forward to what it might bring. Additionally all donations get you interest in the company so buy a raffle ticket, or buy 500 (I have a feeling if you really bought 500 raffle tickets based on amount of people I expect to be in this raffle that would be a VERY favorable percentage of that person winning the voucher lol).

If only 1 person enters the raffle, that person will be the one that gets that voucher, so please give him some competition!
Click here to enter raffle.
Please visit my Patreon page if you’re so inclined or make a donation. Or you may click the coffee cup in the bottom right corner of the screen and Buy Me A Coffee. Thank you!
Bitcoin Address for Donations: 39UjFYg5MtMqUWr1NFN5PH7SHzrWFvrFd1
SHIB (Shiba Inu Coin) Address for Donation: 0xC176380acb6C1407346849369588F2534D614507